CONNECT ~ through conferences and social media
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Keep connected to UAEOP through our Facebook page. Make comments, ask question and share ideas. Do you have a recipe for a fast dinner for those nights when work keeps you late? Do you have a movie suggestion to help keep our work/life balanced? Share the "Best of" in your area so when we travel around the state we know what to do and what to see.
Do you want a quick way to check in with members and find out info about UAEOP? Then Follow Us on Twitter. Quick updates, and reminders of activities can come directly to you #UAEOP.
UAEOP ListServ
Hello and Welcome to the UAEOP ListServe!
This ListServe is meant to be a place of collaboration and information exchange for education office professionals in the state of Utah. Feel free to invite education office professionals who are not currently UAEOP members, to join the ListServe. We hope this new list serve will be a useful tool for all who subscribe. As a current member of the UAEOP, you have already been added to the ListServ so, you do not need to subscribe. You will need to login and set up a password. Here is the link to the ListServe: Please use the following address [email protected] to send information and requests to your peers across the state. Also, please keep in mind the following etiquette when sending and receiving information:
To subscribe or unsubscribe to a mailing list: Go to Follow the directions on the screen to subscribe / unsubscribe. o This is the link in UEN for those instructions in case you have further questions: Connecting with new and old friends.